
Illumination: Healing the Light Body
This treatment is considered “Energy Medicine of the Inka”. It is healing at an energetic soul level using traditional techniques derived from the Laika Indians of Peru. It is an interactive healing process for clearing imprints that can be the cause of physical and emotional pain or illness. This treatment may require incorporating techniques such as Chakra Illumination, Soul Retrieval, Extractions, Divination, Reiki, etc.
 1 Hour $85.00 & Up                                                                                                                                                                                   11/2 Hour $120.00 & Up

Reiki (ray-key)
Reiki is experienced as a gentle, non-intrusive form of touch therapy. It is effective for such things as stress reduction, emotional release or recovery from injuries and illness. Reiki brings the self back into harmony and balance, leaving the recipient feeling peaceful, calm, and deeply relaxed. Reiki activates the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
 1 Hour $85.00

Life Coaching
Along with my Energy Medicine Practice I am also available for Life Coaching. I use Numerology for realizing your life’s purpose, Visualization & Journeying to help with pain & relaxation, the Shamanic Traditions to shift energy for a more positive outcome.                                                                                                                                                                                             1 Hour $85.00   

Body Balancing Technique                                                                                                                                                                     This treatment is an individualized, body specific treatment derived from Ortho-Bionomy. It is a combination of energy work along with the gentle manipulation of the body and joints to release stiffness and any blocked energy allowing the body to regain natural movement.                                                                                                                                                               1 Hour $85.00

*Body Balancing Technique can be a stand-alone service or it can be integrated with Aromatherapy and (or) Reiki to provide the Ultimate Mind, Body, Spirit Healing Treatment                                                                                                                     1 Hour $85.00                                                                                                                                                                                             11/2 Hours $120.00                                                                                                                                                                                          

 Aromatherapy Treatment
This spa treatment is about relaxation & healing with a touch of indulgence. The gentle touch massage begins at your feet, includes back, arms, shoulders, neck and ends with a relaxing face and head massage. Add in the wonderfully aromatic & healing benefits of essential oils for detoxification and de-stressing (we could even add a little Reiki for areas that need an extra touch of healing) and you have the ultimate aromatherapy experience.
 1 Hour $85.00

Face & Scalp Massage
Aromatherapy treatment for shoulders, neck, face & head. A wonderful introduction to relaxation therapy for men & women.
 1/2 Hour $50.00
